
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Me? Selfish?

I realized something today... By wanting this baby to come early I'm being selfish. My beloved has a picture in his head of how our home coming will be. He has a vision of packing up his whole family and driving home from the hospital. To our home. Not our parents, not a friends but our very own home. The place where we are making our memories. The only problem is we don't have a car right now. But YHVH opened a door for us to get a car in mid January if all goes well.

I've been praying for this baby to come as soon as possible, completely ignoring the fact that my love has a dream of how this will go. To me being a good wife means putting myself last. Up until now I've believed this in theory and haven't really put it to much practice. But for once I realize its not all about me. Am I uncomfortable? Yes. But would having the baby in a few more weeks make my husband's dream come true? Yes!

I could look at this as a dilemma, but I'm looking at it as a chance to learn to sacrifice my comfort for those I love. I have an amazing husband and a few more weeks of pregnancy is nothing compared to the sacrifices he makes for me.

So my prayer has changed from Lord please hurry to Lord please strengthen me so I can hold out, please allow my beloved's dream to come true.

Of course I know I don't know YHVH's plan and maybe it won't all work out. All I can do is pray for what would most please my love.

"3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. 4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."  -Philippians 2:3-4


  1. Hang in there, dear! You can do it. YHVH bless you and the fruit of your womb, as He completes the masterpiece He is forming! May He fill you with perfect peace and contentment as you enjoy these last few weeks carrying the child under your heart. What a blessed time! May you bask in His presence, thank Him in all things, rejoice in the miracle!

  2. Thanks Tammy! It's so easy to get wrapped up in time frames and forget that masterpieces take time! Thank you for the encouragement :o)
